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Dr. Charles Clarke
Graduated from Dental School at 22 years old
Practicing over 35 years
Highest level of recognition in the specialty (Board Certified by the American Board of Endodontics), the only Endodontist in the region to attain this level.
Successfully performed tens of thousands of root canals and surgeries.
Awarded Top Endodontist in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and lets be honest probably 2022 :) as well by topDENTISTS.
Post graduate Specialty at Oregon Health Sciences U.
American Association of Endodontists member
American Board of Endodontists member
American Dental Association member
Missouri Dental Association member
Greater St. Louis Dental Association member

Dr. Clarke was Born in Toronto, Canada 1962
He is an "empty nester" :)
Recently engaged to be married, Dr Clarke has 3 adult children. His Son, Hayden passed away in 2020 at age 22 due to Muscular Dystrophy while he was attending SLU working on his Masters degree in Computer Science.
He has 3 dogs (1 girl, and 2 boys)
Hannah is a Havanese, Cody is a Golden Doodle and Shiloh is a Shiloh German Shepard
He likes to stay active, fancying himself as a landscaper :)
Dr Clarke plays Men's Ice Hockey (poorly, but has fun)
He enjoys photography as a hobby
Dr Clarke started to ride motorcycles when he turned 50 years old and now rides sport motorcycles on the racetrack

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