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What is a root canal? "Why do I (of all people) need one?"
Purpose of Root Canal Treatment
to keep a tooth that would otherwise require extraction
to relieve or prevent future pain, infection and swelling
What teeth may need Root Canal Treatment?
painless teeth that have a dark area (shadow) on the x-ray
hot or cold sensitive teeth
bite sensitive teeth
painful teeth or jaw area
cracked tooth
What is a Root Canal ?
the roots are NOT removed
an opening is made in the biting surface of the tooth
the inside of the roots are cleaned and disinfected (similar to roto rooting a kitchen sink, microscopically)
the roots are flushed with disinfectant, dried and then sealed with a medical grade of rubber and cement
a temporary filling is placed in the opening
your dentist will place a permanent restoration within 2 weeks

After my Root Canal ?
most people return to work (unless its sunny or they have fun stuff to do)
don't chew on the tooth for 3 hours
you can drink hot/cold liquids and chew on the other side
call your dental office and schedule the permanent restoration
your tooth will be sore after treatment
you will most likely be prescribed an antibiotic
take ibuprofen, aleve, or tylenol for post op discomfort
if required, you may take pain pills
for any problems, please call the office
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